Christmas Message to end this year!
Hi all! Thought I would write a christmas message to end the new year in style!
This year has been a funny one for me, a year of being chosen to be in meetings, to be a secretary and take down the minutes. A year where I have been part of something big and worked in a different place with new people, and learnt new skills. Have had to be more assertive too, and forward thinking in paperwork which I have managed successfully.
Have made new friends and networked just by going to a BBC building and being part of something truly special. Have also learnt that others find it difficult to get along with their own problems and to be thankful that they have the same problems as I do sometimes.
Have impressed certain members of my family by working in a professional capacity and and have made them see sense that I can do things in a mature adult way.
I think that this blog has suffered greatly while I have been busy but I have trawled through other websites and that has stopped me from being here.
I wish more dear readers would stop by and comment here and things to get back to normal and I promise that next year I will make a point of returning to here and showing respect to it by posting things on here.
I think I have walked forward to becoming more mature though and have kept an open mind to pushing on with paperwork.
Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, and other forums have made me interested this year and have become an active member of such websites as mentioned here, and also Master McMillan's fine tavern have kept me enthralled too. Chris McMillan continues to be a good friend as does Ben the young student who joked with me at the Christmas podcast recording and is master Bingosnrub,on Ouch boards. Glad to have him as a new friend on board.
And so dear reader as Christmas approaches, and you look forward to ripping the paper off your presents to see if you have the latest CD/book/DVD and the like, and families get together and you see grandmother or grandfather or your Dad asleep after dinner, or the dog is sick after eating too much turkey, or the cat is sick,
I say to you, Merry Christmas!
Christmas is nearly here, everything is great!
Thought I would write on this old faithful blog , miss it sometimes and it is always around to write on and for all of you to comment on. Hopefully you will not have forgotten it or just read it, but if you do read it, please feel free to leave a comment even if it is a small comment bloggers!
Anyhow, Christmas is getting ever nearer and finally I am accepting it is nearer! After having a starange Xmas dinner in May to welcome the return of my dear sister!
Have been working hard and have been working with a charity called Herts Pass which helps disabled people to gain direct payments to fund things like P.A's and other things that they may need and they have acquired some money from the National Big Lottery fund to provide equipment and to employ an Employment Facilitator. I am involved in an Operations Group with some students I know and we had a selection day yesterday to choose an applicant for the facilitator job. It was very exciting and I felt positively good as I helped with the grouo task being in a group with three applicants and a student who is in the operations group with me.
That group task was in the morning and then we had a discussion to collect the annswers that each individual group came up with to talk about problems and barriers that disabled people face in employment.
After lunch we then had the interviews and I was part of the interview panel and gave questions to each individual applicant and they had to give a presentation to which they did well, but some went over the allocated five minutes but that didnt matter.
Finally we came to our conclusions and the best man got the job. We all liked him and he was very friendly, good with involving all of us and we all felt that he had a brilliant rapport with all of us. I am glad for him as I liked and I talked to him firstly when he rang up to ask about the job few weeks back. I cant wait to have him working with us for three years and working at Herts Pass. He'll enjoy it!
Also I have good news too! I have been selected to go in the audience of the Ouch Christmas Podcast! Yay! I cannot wait! I hope it will be good and it will be nice to see some of the messageboarders, and maybe even some of you!
Will report back to you at some stage after wards to tell you how it went but maybe I might not have to! You could probably listen in to it afterwards when Damon puts it up on the website!
I want an Ouch podcast mug though! Would be really nice next to my other Ouch goodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!