Personal Eye View
Friday, October 21, 2005
  Things I like and Dislike this month!
Thanks for all your great comments welcoming me back to the Ouch boards! And also the comments on the last post. I felt a bit peeved off that I didn't do too well for my job as a guest blogger on Ouch's weblog but I hope my two(!) posts were okay!

It's not much of a post today as I need to recover and get back to things so thought I would tell you what I like and dislike this month.

The things I like this month are:

The things I dislike this month are:

Your blogs on Ouch were great Katie! Nothing to worry about there at all. :-)

The pink fountain sounds pretty silly. And power cuts can be so annoying - we don't realise how much we depend on electricity. One day there was a big power cut in town while I was at the doctors. I had to be lead to the doctor's room by torchlight and then he couldn't actually write me a prescription. The receptionist couldn't phone for a taxi because their phones needed to be plugged in. Then in town on the way home everyone was wandering round with nothing to do because all the shop tills were electric and the shops had to close.
Hi Katie, I liked your blogs on Ouch. Good reading and good information. There is nothing to worry about , I think!
I share some of your likes and dislikes, actually. I also do not like chewing gum, neither chewing it myself, nor other people chewing it. I think they are all making absolute fools out of themselves, looking like cows re-digesting the grass the've been munching hours ago. And I can't imagine I would like a pink fountain. Is that a real fountain with water and everything? And how can a fountain collect money? Mhhh...?? My particular dislike for this month are coffee stains. I don't know why but I seem to have grown into the habbit of spilling coffee on my clothes, on the floor and wherever. Grrr...must stop that next month!
awww, Katie, it's a very hard job being a blogging hunter, or whatever they call it at ouch. I couldn't do the job myself, I wouldn't have the patients plus, I can only search for things I really, really want to know. I wouldn't have the staminar to search blogs for someone else. I think you did a great job taking the time to find blogs for the ouch team. I'm sure they were very happy :)

I like the things to like and dislike post for the month. A very good one. A pink fountain? lol. I know the YMCA are encouraging people to where something pink on friday for breast cancer . Now, why pink when we've got a plethorer of colours to choose from?
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