Personal Eye View
Monday, October 31, 2005
  The case of the confusion over clocks and the disappointment over a CD..amongst other things!
Hi everyone, Firstly aplogies for the long title! as Chris Mac said to me in his Ouch messages on the boards he said i should do more writing so thought I would come up with a snappy title!

Hope you all are well despite all your bad illnesses I keep reading about on most of your posts on your blogs namely get wel greetingsgo out to Goldfish, Damon, and Timmargh, You all desrve a get well greeting from me and you are all lovely!

How did all of you dowhen the clocks had to go back an hour on Sunday morning about 2pm in the morning? I got very confused about it as I often do and confused by the fact that the BBC homepage gave the wrong time out, it said that the clocks were going back at 1am, but the continuity annoucer gave it out that the clocks were going back at 2am!

Imagine my confusion over it! So I phoned up BBC and they said that 2am was indeed the correct time for changing the clocks back for an hour.

I had a massive disappointment on Saturday though when I had reserved a CD of Jolson the Musical from MVC about two weeks ago , and they called me to say my order had been cancelled by head office! Aargh! Another 13.99 wasted then! Oh well, looks like I will have to ask my sister Sophie to get it for Christmas off a website called and I wanted it badly!

As you might of read on the Cane and Able board, I am into listening to everything that Brian Conley has done in the way of singing stuff! I have three CD's of his and my favourite which you know I have is his Stage to Stage CD with songs from musicals on it.

Things have been okay this week for me though and the highlight was visiting Caversham to see my sister and her boyfriend's new house. Dad and I got there about 3pm and dad helped Mark with DIY jobs that needed doing. I quite liked Caversham and Sophie lives near the river and it's only a few feet away from her house. We all then went for a nice pub meal in a pub called "The Griffin" which was nice and Dad and I enjoyed visiting Sophie a lot.

Next week, it's back to the routine for me though as I have college on Weds and Thurs, and normal work on Fridays.

Half Term was great and relaxing but it will be nice to get back to college, It's strange they put half term in the end of September though, as we have only started back at college for a few weeks back! Strange!
Thanks for your good wishes, Katie. :-)

I too was rather disorientated by the clocks changing and have been ever since. I think I know what the time is just now...

MVC shouldn't have charged you your £13.99 for a CD that you never received. It is disappointing, but you should either get your money back or else if you paid by debit or credit card, check that this amount is not on your statement.
In Germany we changed from summertime to wintertime as well. I was happy this was done at 2.00 o'clock at night. I had to work that night until 1.00 o'clock and just imagine that I had been about to finished and someone walked in, announcing that now it is wintertime and would have to work the last hour twice....grrr! That would have been horrible. So I snuggled into my bed at 2.00 o'clock, set the clock back to 1.00 and the time I have spend in the car just vanished! Great!
I agree to Goldfish: Do not pay if you haven't received anything. By the way, is it music by Al Jolson you ordered? They have plenty of CDs by him at
They also offer used ones, which are much cheaper. I have tried this twice and both CDs were in very good condition, even though they were 2cnd hand.
Update on CD: I have now found my Cd and ordered it from Dress Circle a shop in London which sells theatre stuff! My aunt let me buy it on her credit card and am getting it soon!
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