Strange ideas and an arm that kills!
Thought that I would add an extra post to the one I made about my glorious holiday.
Have been feeling very stiff after yesterday due to the fact that Dad stupidly made me pull my huge suitcase behind me,then noticing and then giving me his to pull, but my arm has felt bloody stiff, which normally happens when I carry heavy stuff, well you expect it don't you with the bad muscle tone I have.
Also I haven't fully recovered from the holiday and have also felt wierd being back in the pleasure of my own surroundings of my house. Strange thoughts wandered into my mind as I was waiting for Dad to take me to his for lunch, and decided I could do it but don't know how, you techinical bloggers will probably know how, The idea is xsimply that I came up with the idea of hosting my own fanatic tribute website devoted to Mik Scarlet- my one and only hero,I probably can hear Turtle/Nic now, for saying"Groan" but want to show my respect as I have done for the past 15 years(I@ve watched him since the mid 80's!)
Do any of you know how to make a website up? Is it easy and do I have to pay? I want to make a website from a free page though! It's probably a strange idea but am sure that Nic would make one if she had the means to on one of her fav music stars.