Greetings BlogPals!
Hello blogpals!
I think I have been a bit distant from writing on this blog haven't I?
I haven't had anything much to write about after the excitement from the holiday and then putting myself up on Ouch's brilliant messageboard and getting one of their cool screensavers which I chose the straplines one because I thought it looked cool.
I have been busy though at work and playing on Ouch, but still reading and commenting on your blogs. I have even found new bloggers too, by reading messages left by Wayne and Justin R and other new people, so thanks to you lot for introducing yourselves and your blogs if you have them!
I've also just got better from feeling low but I am now better again, and hopefully I will return with news of a work placement, birthdays(Mine,groan!) as I will be celebrating a coming of age birthday which I am not looking forward to, I'm not saying which one but if you look at my age on my profile you'll guess it easily!
As you can tell from reading my threads on the Ouch messageboards I have been very conversational though and I think I seem to spend my time there a lot and I feel sorry for neglecting this poor old blog as it is good, but I think most of you have to sometimes and once you try something new on your computers like the messageboards it is hard to revert back to something old.Do you feel the same as me, comment here if you do!
Here's a question for you to answer until I write here again:
If you could change the job you are in now, what you be instead?
Best Wishes, All new blogpals and current ones!
Katie or as on the Ouch messageboards, AbleGirl!