Update on Tonight's post
Talk about everything happening at once!
It turns out Ela's email was all down to perception but earlier before I had been talking to a charity worker from Amnesty International about it, When I go in the You and Yours website and listen to today's post(Thurs) they are all talking about.. yes you've guessed it perception and the use of language relating about a wheelchair that comes from America and is called Spazz, and in the programme they have a man from the company talking about why they called it that, Steve Day, Mik Scarlet(!) and a lady from Scope, talking about the two sides of the argument whether they think the word is offensive or if they think it is a word that disabled people should reclaim for themselves.
Now you all see that I think today was a day when I would have all these things happen at once and me being a bit of an advocate for disabled people, (I think I am a bit,working for a disability charity like I do!)
I would help out with this particular issue.
Incidently I phoned the You and Yours line up and gave my comments to them about the programme. It's a pity I didn't listen to it and phone up while Mik was on, he and the others including Peter White would have found my comments useful and excellent