Personal Eye View
Thursday, July 21, 2005
  Terror Attack and a strange way of the world.
I hope all who lives in London is okay after the scares that we had today.
It was really shocking to watch on television, I have been watching all the events unfolding,which gmade me a bit scared and worried. I could not believe that the terrorists could strike us again by planting what the reporters were calling"dummy nail bombs" which were fake explosives but gave off nasty smells and small explosions.
Even though this has happened in London, I think that we should not be beaten by them and show them we can get back to some state of reality.

On a happier note bloggers I recieved an email from my Transition Worker Ela replying to the email I sent her and thought I would share it with you lot as I find it very strange to think that we could be how she perceives we are in life.
This is what she perceives us as:

Great Friendly People can be shy you know? We are all like eggs- hard shell on the outside and a soft gooey yolk on the inside, life makes our shells harder and some eggs get overboiled and become hard on the inside too.

What do you reckon to Ela's perception of us in life? She told me it would give me some thought for the day, I think she's right there about us!
That's a pretty good analogy - I like it.
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