A strange Weekend
Hi Bloggers, Have had rather a strange weekend this week!
It all started when I saw my friend Charlotte in town. I know she can't help having a bad illness which affects the way that she is sometimes, but this weekend she started acting strangely by the way she acted but I don't know if it was the illness or just down to being a hyperactive teenager. I mean you don't expect a 19 yr old to go into a pub and start pouring milk, sugar,salt and pepper into an ashtray do you?, and then start to stay out late in town all night while you're staying at a friend's house(mine!) do you?
Maybe it's probably the fact that I don't understand the illness, which I think it is but when she gets hyperactive and behaves irrationally, It gets me down because I know that I am mature enough to behave properly.
I don't know what to do in those circumstances, on one hand I want to be her friend and help her out, but should I accept that she has an illness and is like any other teenager.
She also made up a blog while staying down at mine and it made me feel guilty that I took the blog address off of this one, so here it is: www.loveandrealfeelings.blogspot.com
She asks on the blog about seeing a boy that she wants to have a heart to heart with.
I probably am woorrying about nothing but I need to know how I can sort out this situation. What should I do blogpals? Do I sort it out with her? Or tell her that I need to have more space from her?